It's Almost BTC time; Get Ready
This is your reminder to prep. Yes, that’s right I said prep. As in prepare. Drink your water, eat a good meal, do some cardio, get some comfy walking shoes, and find your favorite sitting position. It is t-minus 3 days to the Behind The Chair show or in other words OUR FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR.
It's corny but it’s true. There are no words that quite describe the feeling our team has about this convention. Our favorite part of our job is outreach and interaction, so in simple terms our favorite part is you. We love meeting you guys and hearing your opinions on our products, our styles, and our techniques. And guys…we have so much in store for this BTC. We have our global creative directors;Gina Bianca and Mr. Matt Swinney. Gina Bianca is Picasso with a hair canvas, and Matt is a wizard with his tools. They are truly two incredible people to be around and you guys will love seeing what they have in store for you. Along with the amazing stage presence these two have(they are just fun to watch) They are so excited to show you how we do it here at RUSK. We have quite the main stage set up going on, not one, not two, not three but 7 models. 7 looks-all different textures colors and lengths. Come see the downright spectacle they're serving at 9:15 Sunday August 14th.
Sounds amazing right? Guess what, there’s MORE! Our president and CEO Scott Missad is even going up on stage to give a presentation about the less exciting, but honestly more important part of the business. Scott will share his tips and tricks on maximizing your profit and managing your time. I'm an Aries, so of course, I hate planning but I'll say Scott's presentation is really going to help you get into the nitty gritty of controlling your future as a stylist. With all that being said, take a break from the bustle and commotion and come see Scott's presentation on the main stage. His time to shine is Monday, August 15th at 9:50 am.
My goodness, I almost forgot…our new line. That’s right. Everyone decided to have their Covid glow up, so we did too. We reimagined ourselves. It’s like RUSK decided to start drinking 3 gallons of water each day, go to the gym, and implement a detailed skincare regimen. We changed, and guys it feels so good. You can come to see the new look, Matt and Gina, and your friendly neighborhood RUSK team at booth #2. We love seeing every one of you, and more importantly, love the conversation. Come give us your opinions on the new look, and everything else hair at BTC. If you can't make it, keep a close eye on our social media to be there with us and stay involved with what's going on! until Orlando everyone! Safe Travels!!